Student Leadership Team

A mixed group of middle and high school students who apply, interview and are hired to serve both within and outside of OZONE.

Our aim is to equip and develop students understanding of leadership through a posture and practice of service.
  • Develop skills like communication, confidence, conflict repair,    social engagement, and empathy, in our monthly meetings.

  • Serve at the OZONE you attend and in your community                       or neighborhood.

  • Be a part of brainstorming and dreaming with our                       OZONE city teams.

Talk to your OZONE city team to get involved.

Volunteer Leader Team

OZONE exists to see positive life change in CWE campers and the NWA community.

Join the #OZONEfamily by serving in our weekly programming for Elementary, Middle or High School students.

We are committed to safety, FUN and belonging for both YOU and our students.

Sign up today to be an OZONE leader!