Staff Alumni

Did you Work at Camp War Eagle?

Did you ever work as a staff member? If so, you are a Camp War Eagle Alum, and we want to keep in touch with you!

Stay Connected

We want to make connecting with your old camp friends even easier! To stay connected be sure to like and follow your Camp War Eagle Alumni page on Facebook! There are Alumni Groups for 2006-2020 summer staff.

Join the Camp war eagle Staff Alumni Group

Join the Camp War Eagle Staff Alumni Group and be a part of an exciting and ever expanding Alumni Network.

Alumni Events

Be sure that you have completed your updated form and joined the Camp War Eagle Former Staff Alumni Group. You don’t want to miss out on future Camp War Eagle Alumni events!

Met & Married

Many couples have met their forever someone at Camp War Eagle.  If you and your spouse met as a result of your Camp War Eagle experience we’d love to hear about it.

Tap the button below to let us know.

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